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Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to skool!

I cannot believe that this time next week I will be a full time college student…again! I’m super excited! This is all I have been waiting for since I got the letter in March that I had been accepted. Things are going to be difficult at first but I think I will love it so much that I won’t think about it that much. My schedule this term is basically 9-5, with one 8am class and done a little earlier two days a week. I am taking human anatomy (with a HUMAN cadaver!!!!), neurology (which I already know will be my favorite class), and my first 2 foundations of PT class. The only real depressing part of all of this is that I ordered my books last week…12 books for $940! OUCH!!! It could be worse. I could have no financial aid or something else really bad that I can’t think of right now. Anyway, things are going to be awesome and I am excited to drown myself in school and not think about all the other things!

I must give a shout out to my lil big bro, Garing! Side note: I call him my lil big bro because he is my little brother but is WAY bigger than me! Anyway, he is starting college in September! I am so proud of him because I know this is what he wants so much. See, he’s a Marine (yay, don’t mess with him!) and when he was done serving our country, there was some confusion with the money he was suppose to get for school. I know he will be so happy to begin his scholastic journey, just as I am!

1 comment:

  1. Yay G and Yay you... ew for human cadavers. Yuck. You are going to love it and be a rockstar like you always are! Love ya!
