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Monday, July 19, 2010

So I figured if R. Kelley can be trapped in the closet 18 times, I can have a part 2...

The thing that makes me say hmmm today is friendship. We all know what it is. We desire it. We work hard to keep it...or we are suppose to work. Too many people take others for granted. Recently, I was put in a tough situation. How do you make someone pick their boyfriend over a friend who's been there longer, and would probably be there long after the boy is gone. My conclusion was, you don't. I worked hard to make it work, forgiving instance after instance of being ignored, stood up and overlooked. That didn't work. Now what? I'm so angry and hurt that I could spit fire (and if you've ever seen me mad, I get really close to that fire-spitting status). And let's be real here: I have every right to be pissed off! I can be the toughest and bitchiest woman on either side of the Mississippi (trust me, I've proven it), but even the toughest people have soft spots. I, just like every other non-sociopath, want to feel loved and needed and cared about. I don't ask much of my friends or at least I don't think I do. I want friends who are honest with me, care for me, and love me because I am who I am. I don't ask for money or to borrow clothes or anything like that. I don't get angry when they are busy or make plans without me. The simplest things make me smile and it takes a lot to break my heart.


  1. Ok, first of all, my word verification on the last comment was "phipsy"... what kind of word is that?
    Anyway, I need to come down there a weekend and take you out. Bring some Reesches and pig out and play wii until we pee our pants. Lmao! I bet my husband wouldn't mind if I disappeared for a weekend, would he? Probably but who cares! I chose you! LOL Ok don't tell Paul that. Lmao!

  2. LOL! Well I'm free every weekend until August 20th! Except this weekend because I'm helping Nichole move!!! I'm excited
